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Title: ESS 5 - European Social Survey 2010 & country-specific data, Portugal
Other Titles: ESS 5 - Inquérito Social Europeu 2010 com as variáveis específicas nacionais, Portugal
Author: Vala, Jorge (coord.)
ESS Core Scientific Team
Keywords: trust
social values
social exclusion
national identity
life course
Issue Date: 2020
Citation: Vala, Jorge (coord.) & ESS Core Scientific Team (2020): ESS 5 - European Social Survey 2010 & country-specific data, Portugal. Arquivo Português de Informação Social, Lisboa. APIS0051, <>
Abstract: This database integrates the portuguese part of ESS Round 5 - European Social Survey 2010 - with country-specific variables, which were only applied in Portugal. These variables are related with the subjects of the multi-country survey and have been elaborated by the portuguese research team. "The survey (…) includes questions on a variety of core topics repeated from previous rounds of the survey and also two modules developed for Round Five covering Trust in the Police and Courts and Work, Family and Wellbeing (the latter is a partial repeat of a module from round 2)." (from ESS website)
Esta base de dados integra a parte portuguesa do ESS Round 5 - European Social Survey 2010 - com as variáveis específicas nacionais que foram apenas aplicadas em Portugal. Estas variáveis estão relacionadas com os módulos temáticos do ESS Round 5 e foram elaboradas pela equipa de investigação portuguesa.
Description: Para uma descrição completa do estudo,
Appears in Collections:Coleção APIS

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