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Title: ESS 4 - European Social Survey 2008 & country-specific data, Portugal
Other Titles: ESS 4 - Inquérito Social Europeu 2008 com as variáveis específicas nacionais, Portugal
Author: Vala, Jorge (coord.)
ESS Core Scientific Team
Keywords: Trust
social values
social exclusion
national identity
life course
ageism and welfare
Issue Date: 2020
Citation: Vala, Jorge (coord.) & ESS Core Scientific Team (2020): ESS 4 - European Social Survey 2008 & country-specific data, Portugal. Arquivo Português de Informação Social, Lisboa. APIS0052, <>
Abstract: This database integrates the portuguese part of ESS Round 4 - European Social Survey 2008 - with country-specific variables, which were only applied in Portugal. These variables are related with the subjects of the multi-country survey and have been elaborated by the portuguese research team. “The survey (…) includes questions on a variety of core topics repeated from previous rounds of the survey and also two modules developed for Round Four covering Experiences and Expressions of Ageism and Welfare attitudes in a changing Europe.” (from ESS website)
Esta base de dados integra a parte portuguesa do ESS Round 4 - European Social Survey 2008 - com as variáveis específicas nacionais que foram apenas aplicadas em Portugal. Estas variáveis estão relacionadas com os módulos temáticos do ESS Round 4 e foram elaboradas pela equipa de investigação portuguesa.
Description: Para uma descrição completa do estudo,
Appears in Collections:Coleção APIS

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APIS0052_questionário.pdfQuestionário ESS4 PT486,7 kBAdobe PDFView/Open    Request a copy
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