Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.20/2121
Título: MAPLE II Study – Set of pre- and post-legislative elections panel surveys on European Attitudes and Political Behaviour, 2019-2021
Autor: Lobo, Marina Costa
Pannico, Roberto
Heyne, Lea
Silva, Tiago
Kartalis, Yani
Nina, Susana Rogeiro
Santos, Nelson
Palavras-chave: Elections
European Union
Data: 2023
Citação: Lobo, Marina Costa; Pannico, Roberto; Heyne, Lea; Silva, Tiago; Kartalis, Yani; Nina, Susana Rogeiro; Santos, Nelson (2023): MAPLE II Study – Set of pre- and post-legislative elections panel surveys on European Attitudes and Political Behaviour, 2019-2021. Arquivo Português de Informação Social, Lisboa. APIS0101, http://hdl.handle.net/10400.20/2121.
Resumo: The ERC Project MAPLE (Consolidator Grant nº 682125) investigates the salience and polarisation of the European issue, in the media, during electoral campaigns, and in parliamentary debates, in Belgium, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain and its importance for voting behaviour. The MAPLE II set of surveys were carried out in five countries during each country's legislative elections from 2019-2021. The time period of implementation of the panel surveys were the following: Spain (pre and post legislative elections of April 2019); Greece (pre and post legislative elections of July 2019); Portugal (pre and post legislative elections of October 2019); Ireland (pre and post legislative elections of February 2020) and Germany (pre and post legislative elections in September 2021). The samples are drawn from online panels and they follow a three crossed-quota design based on age (three categories), education (three categories) and gender (two categories). The pre and post election waves in each country include many identical questions on political attitudes and behaviour concerning national and EU institutions. In addition, questions were included that ask about particular issues which were politically salient for the specific election that are unique to each country study. Para mais informação sobre o projeto: http://www.maple.ics.ulisboa.pt/.
Descrição: Para uma descrição completa do estudo, http://www.apis.ics.ulisboa.pt/catalogo/APIS0101.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.20/2121
Aparece nas colecções:Coleção APIS

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